Thursday, 28 February 2013
A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On
Each impact into the lunar surface creates a mini-moonquake. Calculations from the 1970's (by scientists Pete Schultz and Don Gault) show that each impact-induced moonquake shakes the surrounding regolith to a distance that is several times farther than the resulting crater. Looking at the number of craters that are visible on the lunar surface, it is clear that there's a whole lot of shaking going on!
Over time, this shaking works to modify craters; toppling their rims, filling in their centres, and eventually obliterating the craters completely. The various stages of this process can be clearly seen in high resolution images of the Moon.
Also, because moonquakes affect regolith more than solid rock, this kind of process will be more prevalent in areas where the regolith is thicker. This is usually found in older areas, since they have had more time to build up a thick layer of rubble from lots of different impacts. So, when I see this kind of "taffy-like" texture, I know I am looking at highly degraded craters in an old, thick regolith layer.
Explore this taffy-like texture for yourself at the ACT-REACT QuickMap online LROC image atlas tool. (A simple guide for using the ACT-REACT QuickMap can be found here).
Schultz and Gault, Seismically induced modification of lunar surface features, Proceedings of the 6th Lunar Science Conference, 2845-2862, 1975.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
The Spectacular Giordano Bruno crater on the Moon
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This Slump Block in the upper right part of the crater slid down the crater wall well after the crater was formed. Image credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University |
Many of these features are being revealed for the first time by very high resolution imagery from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's Narrow Angle Camera (LROC NAC). These NAC images have resolutions of about half a meter per pixel. This means that something the size of a chair (or you!) would take up one pixel, and your desk or kitchen table would show up as a 2 by 3 pixel rectangle. With those kinds of resolutions, there are some spectacular things to be seen.
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Chaotic Impact Melts line the floor of Giordano Bruno, showing complex structures that tell us of entrained boulders and folding chill crusts. Image credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University |
For starters, there is a very interesting slump feature, located in the upper right part of the crater. It looks as if a whole block of the crater side slid down the crater wall in one piece. Such slumps are common in large impact craters, which tend to collapse at the end of their formation process. But, studies by Dr. Yuriy Shkuratov (from the Astronomical Institute of Kharkov in Ukraine) and his colleagues suggest that the slumping of this block occurred at a later time and so was not related to the crater formation process. Before this, it was thought that such big changes to craters only happened during their formation.
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Ejected Melts beyond the crater rim can show channels and rivulets where the hot melt flowed downhill from the crater rim crest. Image credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University |
Next, the floor of Giordano Bruno crater is covered with chaotic impact melts. During the impact that formed this crater, temperatures got high enough to melt a lot of the crustal rock and this melt flowed down to the bottom of the crater, where it solidified. Now, high-resolution LROC NAC images are showing us that these melt are much more complex than had been previously believed. The melts entrained a lot of boulders and solid rock chunks, which can be seen poking above the melt surface. Ropy textures (that look like bunched up material) tell us that the top of the melts cooled quickly, forming what is called a chill crust, but the material underneath remained molten and mobile for some time, dragging the chill crust along and folding it as obstacles were encountered. Such images can help us learn how much melt formed and what happened to it during the crater-forming process
Not all melts end up on the crater floors. Some melt material gets ejected outside the crater. Again, high-resolution NAC images are showing us this process in amazing detail. Dark smooth patches show where melts were emplaced beyond the crater rim. In some cases, rivulets and channels were left behind as the hot melt flowed from the peak of the crater rim down the outside flanks of the crater.
Solid materials are also ejected beyond the crater rim. Many large boulders, ranging in size from 1 to 30 meters, can be seen at the edges of Giordano Bruno crater in this NAC image. To understand the scale of these boulders, consider that a meter-sized boulder is about as big as a desk, while a 30 meter-sized boulder is roughly equal to 9 houses bunched together. Sometimes, these boulders can roll down the slopes of the crater, either outside or inside the crater rim
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Boulder Tracks on the slopes of the crater show how house-sized boulders on or near the rim can roll down the crater walls. Image credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University |
Lots of other spectacular features can be found in and around this interesting crater. Feel free to explore more of Giordano Bruno crater on your own at the ACT-REACT QuickMap on line LROC image atlas tool. A simple guide for using the ACT-REACT QuickMap can be found here.
Shkuratov et al., The lunar crater Giordano Bruno as seen with optical roughness imagery, Icarus 218, 525-533, doi:10.1016/j.icarus/2011.12.023, 2012.